Corporate disclosures


For your convenience, we have combined all the documents related to Solidcore in one section. Please use the «Search» tool on this page to find a document or go to the subsection with the subject you need. If you could not find the required document, write to us

Document search

Corporate documents
  • Code of conduct
  • Articles of Association
  • Documentation related to the Board’s activities
  • Policies and standards
  • News
  • Regulatory Disclosure
Sustainable development
  • Documents related to ESG activities
  • IPO/SPO regulatory disclosure
  • M&A regulatory disclosure

You are downloading Integrated Annual Report . Please note that some ESG data are available in Sustainability Performance Data 2021 (GRI and SASB) that outlines our key non‑financial performance information for financial year 2021. While the selected annual report is being downloaded, we want to draw your attention to the Sustainability Report. It provides detailed information on ESG indicators.

While the selected files are being downloaded, we want to draw your attention to the reports on the sustainable development of the company. They provide detailed information on ESG indicators.

You can also download historical data on sustainable development.